Inventory of 3Rs Knowledge Sources
805 Sources
- Prolonged Pain Research in Mice: Trends in Reference to the 3Rs
- Promega
- PromoCell Academy
- Protocols in In Vitro Hepatocyte Research
- PubChem
- PubMed
- QIAGEN Bioinformatics
- QSAR Model Database and QSAR Model Reporting Formats
- REACH, animal testing, and the precautionary principle
- REACHing for alternatives to animal testing
- REACH mastery
- Recherche animale
- Recherche experimentale et Protection de l'Animal de Laboratoire
- Reducing, Refining and Replacing the Use of Animals in Toxicity Testing
- Reduction, Refinement, and Replacement Leadership Group
- Refinement Forum
- Regulatory Toxicology
- Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology
- Report from the EPAA workshop: In vitro ADME in safety testing used by EPAA industry sectors
- Report of the EPAA–ECVAM Workshop on the Validation of Integrated Testing Strategies
- ReproCELL cell culture protocols
- ReproCELL Europe Ltd
- Reproducibility in animal research: the 4th "R"
- Research and testing using animals gudance
- Research Animals Department Science Review 2014
- Research Blogging
- ResearchGate
- Research Toxicology Centre S.p.A.
- ReThink3R
- RIKILT - Institute of Food Safety
- Roche 3Rs Award
- Romanian Center for Alternative Test Methods
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Royal Society of Biology
- RSPCA/UFAW Rodent Welfare Group
- Safety and Environmental Assurance Centre
- Safety assessment of cosmetics in the EU
- Safety Evaluation Ultimately Replacing Animal Testing
- Safety Pharmacology Society
- SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research
- Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Sciences
- Scandinavian Society for Laboratory Animal Science
- Science
- Science Direct
- Science in Risk Assessment and Policy
- Scientific Advisory Committee on Alternative Toxicological Methods Meetings
- Scientific Institute of Public Health
- Scientists and the 3Rs: attitudes to animal use in biomedical research and the effect of mandatory training in laboratory animal science
- Scientists Center for Animal Welfare
- ScitoVation
- Search for Cruelty-Free Cosmetics, Personal-Care Products, and More
- Selvita S.A.
- Seminar Classification and Reporting of Severity
- SenzaGen
- Serum Free Cell Lines database
- Servicio Experimentación Animal
- Set Foundation
- Seventh Report on the Statistics on the Number of Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes in the Member States of the European Union
- Shared Ageing Research Models
- Simulations Plus Inc.
- Smart Tools for Gauging Nano Hazards
- Society for Experimental Biology
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Society of Toxicology
- Society of Toxicology webinars
- Solid organ fabrication: comparison of decellularization to 3D bioprinting
- Solvo Biotechnology Inc.
- SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo
- SOT Communiqué
- Spanish National Centre for Microbiology - Instituto de Salud Carlos III
- Spanish Network for the Development of Alternative Methods
- Speaking of Research
- SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
- Stakeholders Acting Together On the ethical impact assessment of Research and Innovation
- State of the Art on Alternative Methods to Animal Testing from an Industrial Point of View: Ready for Regulation?
- Statistical Methods for Evaluating Safety in Medical Product Development
- StemBook
- Stem Cell-Derived Systems in Toxicology Assessment
- Stem Cells and Development
- Stem Cells for Drug Discovery
- Stem cells for relevant efficient extended and normalized toxicology
- Stem Cells in Drug Discovery
- Stop Animal Exploitation Now
- Stop Animal Testing Now
- Stop animal testing use alternatives
- Stop Animal Testing & Vivisection
- Stop Vivisection
- Students in favour of Alternative to the Animal Testing
- Supporting integrated data analysis and servicing of alternative testing methods in toxicology
- Swedish ECLAM training programme
- Swedish Fund for Research Without Animal Experiments
- Swedish Toxicology Sciences Research Center
- Swiss 3R Network
- Swiss ECLAM Training Programme
- Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
- Swiss Laboratory Animal Science Association
- SYRCLE Training and Education
- Systematic Review Centre for Laboratory animal Experimentation