Solid organ fabrication: comparison of decellularization to 3D bioprinting

Knowledge Source Identification
Knowledge source name Solid organ fabrication: comparison of decellularization to 3D bioprinting
Owner/Developer BioMed Central
Country United States of America
Languages English
Description Solid organ fabrication is an ultimate goal of Regenerative Medicine. Since the introduction of Tissue Engineering in 1993, functional biomaterials, stem cells, tunable microenvironments, and high-resolution imaging technologies have significantly advanced efforts to regenerate in vitro culture or tissue platforms. Relatively simple flat or tubular organs are already in (pre)clinical trials and a few commercial products are in market. The road to more complex, high demand, solid organs including heart, kidney and lung will require substantive technical advancement. Here, we consider two emerging technologies for solid organ fabrication. One is decellularization of cadaveric organs followed by repopulation with terminally differentiated or progenitor cells. The other is 3D bioprinting to deposit cell-laden bio-inks to attain complex tissue architecture. We reviewed the development and evolution of the two technologies and evaluated relative strengths needed to produce solid organs, with special emphasis on the heart and other tissues of the cardiovascular system.
Knowledge Source Category
Category Publication
Sub categories Review / Research article
Knowledge Dissemination and Sharing
Dissemination channel Website, Printed
Targeted audience (specified/objective analysis) Scientists, Students, Industry, Researchers
Users access Open access
Knowledge Characterization
3Rs relevance Replacement
Purpose Documentation and information
Technology/Tools 3D printing, Tissue engineering