International Congress of Toxicology

Knowledge Source Identification
Knowledge source name International Congress of Toxicology
Abbreviated name ICT
Owner/Developer International Union of Toxicology
Abbreviated owner IUTOX
Country United States of America
Languages English
Contact email
Description Triennial International Congress of Toxicology by IUTOX: basic and applied research in Toxicology, results related to the exposure to toxic agents, adverse effects, mechanisms of toxicity, preventive alternatives, normativity, etc, to strengthen the science-policy interface to foster the progress towards sustainability. The diverse sessions provide a forum to exchange information, to establish collaborations and networking, and to discuss cutting-edge research.
Knowledge Source Category
Category Event
Sub categories Conference / Congress
Knowledge Dissemination and Sharing
Dissemination channel Website, Face-to-face
Targeted audience (specified/objective analysis) Scientists, Researchers
Users access User registration, Fee-based access
Knowledge Characterization
3Rs relevance Replacement, Reduction, Refinement
Purpose Education and training, Documentation and information