Selvita S.A.

Knowledge Source Identification
Knowledge source name Selvita S.A.
Owner/Developer Selvita S.A.
Country Poland
Languages English, Polish
Contact email
Description Selvita is a drug discovery company engaged in the research and development of breakthrough therapies primarily in the area of oncology, as well as provision of integrated drug discovery services. The company was established in 2007 and currently employs over 340 scientists, among which 30% are PhDs. Selvita offers integrated drug discovery projects helping biotech and pharma partners discover and develop new drugs. Our scientists have an extensive experience in several areas of life sciences. Selvita specializes in a broad spectrum of pharmacodynamic in vitro studies used to analyze biosimilar product's activity in comparison to adequate reference compounds. We offer assays that are able to detect even minor changes in biological response to pharmacologically active substances. EU-NETVAL member.
Knowledge Source Category
Category Organization
Sub categories R&D Company, Services
Knowledge Dissemination and Sharing
Dissemination channel Website, Audio / Video, Social media, Professional online network
Targeted audience (specified/objective analysis) Industry
Knowledge Characterization
3Rs relevance Replacement, Reduction
Purpose Fundamental studies, Toxicological and safety evaluation, Efficacy testing, Regulatory testing, Validation, Method development
Technology/Tools High throughput screening, Non-testing methods (in silico), Omics, Alternative test methods (in vitro)