Microfluidic organs-on-chips

Knowledge Source Identification
Knowledge source name Microfluidic organs-on-chips
Owner/Developer Nature Biotechnology
Country United States of America
Languages English
URL http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v32/n8/full/nbt.2989.html
Description An organ-on-a-chip is a microfluidic cell culture device created with microchip manufacturing methods that contains continuously perfused chambers inhabited by living cells arranged to simulate tissue- and organ-level physiology. By recapitulating the multicellular architectures, tissue-tissue interfaces, physicochemical microenvironments and vascular perfusion of the body, these devices produce levels of tissue and organ functionality not possible with conventional 2D or 3D culture systems. They also enable high-resolution, real-time imaging and in vitro analysis of biochemical, genetic and metabolic activities of living cells in a functional tissue and organ context. This technology has great potential to advance the study of tissue development, organ physiology and disease etiology. In the context of drug discovery and development, it should be especially valuable for the study of molecular mechanisms of action, prioritization of lead candidates, toxicity testing and biomarker identification.
Knowledge Source Category
Category Publication
Sub categories Review / Research article
Knowledge Dissemination and Sharing
Dissemination channel Website, Printed
Targeted audience (specified/objective analysis) Scientists, Industry, Researchers, Students
Users access Fee-based access
Knowledge Characterization
3Rs relevance Replacement, Reduction
Purpose Fundamental studies, Method development, Education and training
Technology/Tools Alternative test methods (in vitro), Tissue engineering