
Knowledge Source Identification
Knowledge source name WikiPathways
Owner/Developer WikiPathways
Languages English
Description WikiPathways is an open, public platform dedicated to the curation of biological pathways by and for the scientific community. WikiPathways was established to facilitate the contribution and maintenance of pathway information by the biology community. WikiPathways is an open, collaborative platform dedicated to the curation of biological pathways. WikiPathways thus presents a new model for pathway databases that enhances and complements ongoing efforts, such as KEGG, Reactome and Pathway Commons
Knowledge Source Category
Category Information System
Sub categories Wiki
Knowledge Dissemination and Sharing
Dissemination channel Website
Targeted audience (specified/objective analysis) Scientists, Researchers
Users access Open access, License
Knowledge Characterization
3Rs relevance Replacement, Reduction
Purpose Documentation and information
Technology/Tools Alternative test methods (in vitro), Non-testing methods (in silico), Omics