Fundamental Techniques in Cell Culture

Knowledge Source Identification
Knowledge source name Fundamental Techniques in Cell Culture
Owner/Developer European Collection of Authenticated Cell Cultures
Abbreviated owner ECACC
Country United Kingdom
Languages English
Contact email
Description The European Collection of Authenticated Cell Cultures (ECACC), in partnership with Sigma-Aldrich, have produced a third edition of ‘Fundamental Techniques in Cell Culture’. This compact laboratory handbook provides a wealth of information from the sourcing of cell lines, safety and laboratory design to aspects of cryopreservation and quality control. A series of 10 detailed protocols are provided, which are routinely used in the ECACC laboratories along with detailed protocols from the European Bank for induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (EBiSC) on how to culture and freeze induced pluripotent cell (iPSC) lines.
Knowledge Source Category
Category Publication
Sub categories Book / Textbook, Protocol
Knowledge Dissemination and Sharing
Dissemination channel Website, Printed
Targeted audience (specified/objective analysis) Researchers
Users access Open access
Knowledge Characterization
3Rs relevance Replacement
Purpose Method development, Education and training, Documentation and information
Technology/Tools Alternative test methods (in vitro)