European Society of Toxicology In Vitro

Knowledge Source Identification
Knowledge source name European Society of Toxicology In Vitro
Abbreviated name ESTIV
Owner/Developer European Society of Toxicology In Vitro
Abbreviated owner ESTIV
Country Netherlands
Languages English
Contact Elsa Casimiro, ESTIV Secretary
Contact email
Description The European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV) is the leading organisation in Europe that strengthens the scientific network of in vitro toxicologists and promotes in vitro toxicology, both scientifically and educationally in all countries of Europe. This web site will give information on the activities of ESTIV in the field of in vitro toxicology and of alternatives to animal experimentation. Since the first European Meeting (International Workshop on the Application of Tissue Culture in Toxicology, July 1980, Soesterberg, The Netherlands), in vitro toxicology has aroused increasing interest in Europe, and a new scientific community has developed within this field. In some countries, new scientific societies or research institutes dedicated to in vitro toxicology have been founded.
Knowledge Source Category
Category Organization
Sub categories Non-Governmental Organization
Knowledge Dissemination and Sharing
Dissemination channel Website, E-mail, Social media, Professional online network
Targeted audience (specified/objective analysis) Students, Scientists, Industry, Researchers, Educators
Users access Free access, Fee-based access
Knowledge Characterization
3Rs relevance Replacement, Reduction
Purpose Education and training, Documentation and information
Technology/Tools Alternative test methods (in vitro), Non-testing methods (in silico)