Workshop on Cryopreservation and Recovery Techniques in the Laboratory Mouse

Knowledge Source Identification
Knowledge source name Workshop on Cryopreservation and Recovery Techniques in the Laboratory Mouse
Owner/Developer Associazione Italiana per le Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio
Abbreviated owner AISAL
Country Italy
Languages Italian
Description The workshop is offered to teach methods in cryopreservation for banking of mouse strains used in research, including inbred, transgenic and targeted mutant strains. Several methods of cryopreservation are now available and because no single method is adequate for all the different strains being developed, a variety of methods are taught. The workshop is designed primarily as a "hands-on" laboratory course program in which participants practice and learn techniques for the cryopreservation of cleavage - stage embryos, spermatozoa , oocyte and ovaries, as developed and currently applied by the EMMA-INFRAFRONTIER partner repositories and by the Jackson Laboratory.
Knowledge Source Category
Category Event
Sub categories Workshop
Knowledge Dissemination and Sharing
Dissemination channel Face-to-face, Website
Targeted audience (specified/objective analysis) Researchers, Scientists
Users access Fee-based access
Knowledge Characterization
3Rs relevance Reduction, Refinement
Purpose Method development, Education and training, Documentation and information
Technology/Tools Animal testing (in vivo)