National Institute for Biological Standards and Control

Knowledge Source Identification
Knowledge source name National Institute for Biological Standards and Control
Abbreviated name NIBSC
Owner/Developer Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
Country United Kingdom
Languages English
Contact email
Description The National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) is a global leader in the characterisation, standardisation and control of biological medicines. NIBSC is a centre of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency an executive agency of the Department of Health. The Agency is responsible for regulating all medicines and medical devices in the UK by ensuring they work and are acceptably safe.
Knowledge Source Category
Category Organization
Sub categories Governmental Organization, Services
Knowledge Dissemination and Sharing
Dissemination channel Website, E-mail
Targeted audience (specified/objective analysis) Regulators, Industry
Knowledge Characterization
3Rs relevance Replacement, Reduction
Purpose Regulatory testing, Production and quality control, Documentation and information
Technology/Tools Alternative test methods (in vitro), Analytics