
Knowledge Source Identification
Knowledge source name InSphero
Owner/Developer InSphero
Country Switzerland
Languages English
Contact email
Description InSphero provides superior biological relevance to in vitro testing with its easy-to-use solutions for production, culture and assessment of more organotypic 3D cell culture models. The company's patented 3D cell culture platforms and methods enable large-scale, reproducible production of a broad range of assay-ready 3D InSightTM Microtissues including models derived from liver, pancreas, tumor, heart, brain, and skin. Microtissues are delivered directly to customers, or are accessible through 3D InSightTM Standard Services, where InSphero scientists conduct tailored screening projects with rapid turnaround and strict confidentiality. Supported by a portfolio of 3D-optimized culture media, assay protocols, and imaging solutions, InSphero microtissues and services help to identify promising drugs and toxic liabilities with greater predictivity at early development stages. This enables better pre-clinical decision making, saves development cost and shortens time-to-market.
Knowledge Source Category
Category Organization
Sub categories Biotech Company, Services
Knowledge Dissemination and Sharing
Dissemination channel Website, E-mail, Audio / Video, Social media, Professional online network
Targeted audience (specified/objective analysis) Scientists, Industry, Researchers
Knowledge Characterization
3Rs relevance Replacement
Purpose Regulatory testing, Fundamental studies, Toxicological and safety evaluation, Method development
Technology/Tools Alternative test methods (in vitro), Tissue engineering