Predictive In Vitro Models
Knowledge Source Identification | |
Knowledge source name | Predictive In Vitro Models |
Languages | English |
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Description | “In vitro models which are predictive of the in vivo situation can save considerable time and money”. With high rates of efficacy and safety failures in the clinic, drug developers need to ensure that improved prediction of clinical effect is achieved earlier in the drug development pipeline. But what in vitro models should you select? How do you achieve validation of a new assay or model? What candidates do you go after and screen? How have different tools performed so far and what new technologies are being developed? Join this group to engage in discussion around this area, take polls, share your opinion and discuss emerging technologies- as well as being kept up to date with any relevant meetings. |
Knowledge Source Category | |
Category | Experts |
Sub categories | Online Community |
Knowledge Dissemination and Sharing | |
Dissemination channel | Website, Social media, Professional online network, Forum / Blog |
Targeted audience (specified/objective analysis) | Industry |
Users access | Open access, User registration |
Knowledge Characterization | |
3Rs relevance | Replacement, Reduction |
Purpose | Documentation and information |
Technology/Tools | Alternative test methods (in vitro) |