Description |
The ISSTOX databases are curated by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità , and contain experimental results relative to various types of chemical toxicity. The toxicity results have been critically reviewed. Beside being a repository of data, the databases have been specifically designed as an expert decision support tool. A characterizing feature is that the chemical structures are coded in such a way as to be directly usable for Structure-Activity Relationships studies. The use of experimental data for Structure-Activity Relationship studies amplifies their informative value (e.g., through toxicity predictions), and contributes to the reduction and replacement of animal experimentation. The structure of these databases is inspired by that of the Distributed Structure-Searchable Toxicity (DSSTox ) Network of the US Enviromental Protection Agency (US EPA). Similarly to the DSSTox spirit, this project wants to contribute to the free diffusion of scientific data in a standardized, easy to read format. |